Thursday, May 29, 2008


You won't believe the wonders a drink in your hand can do to you at times. Especially on the coveted Friday evenings. Yet to correlate it exactly though. It was yet another evening, yet another drink, Sam played on the keyboard, a few random notes and then this song came alive. I penned the lyrics, composed the tune, did a few dry runs, Sam did the mixing and here it is. So with all due credit to him, it should be our first original song ever. Please pardon the poor quality of recording. If it makes sense maybe, shall take it to a proper recording studio someday.

Anyways. Here goes...Enjoy, given a certain risk to your ear buds ;-)


Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Story

In 1986, when I used to reside with my parents in Kolkata (then Calcutta), we had a little kitten stumble upon our front door, weak, hungry, skinny with hardly a Meow escaping the poor creature. The first few drops of milk that we fed Kitty were consumed with everlasting gratefulness. The Meows became louder and more distinct as the cat grew in strength and even became a regular member of the family, much to my mother's annoyance and thrilling me and my sister to the hilt.

After a few years we grew ever so used to the cat hungrily calling out for its morning breakfast. We would dutifully leave its share of milk if we ever had to go out. We would battle any other cat that happened to invade the property, protecting Kitty as though she was one of our own.

Then one day Kitty disappeared. She simply left without a Meow or a trace. We tried looking for her but to no avail. Sure, we were kind of hurt, sad and her absence was inexplicable. Many months passed by and slowly it seemed like Kitty was forever gone, even that she had never existed.

Then one day Kitty appeared out of nowhere. She stood by the kitchen door eager to lap up her favorite Mother Dairy milk again. The whole family was upon her in a flash. A thousand questions seemed to explode all at once: "Where the hell did you go? How dare you leave without a noise? What if some dog had killed you? What did you do all this while?"

But believe it or not, not a single noise was raised at that point. The cat promptly took to her mat, the milk was served in a very relieved fashion, Kitty hungrily lapped it all up. And then over the next hour she brought her three extremely cute kittens into the house.

They were welcomed with relieved hearts, even a moist eye or two, big smiles. It was good.

Dear Anonymous: It was heartening to see at least one person miss my writing. I believe I am back and I do apologize for my silence, if it really matters anymore. Life was kind to me, spraying me with a high degree of attention and I was trying to be attentive for a change. But I will swear that I have not been producing kittens during my absence from you all. I turned a year older in April. No feelings there, but the beautiful cake I was crowned with on the 10th of April was more delicious than I could ever make it sound here. I finished an acrylic on canvas. Wrote and composed the music for my own song. And oh yes, I did go to work very religiously. Everyday. Ahem.

I hope and pray all my readers or ex-readers have prospered much better than me in the meantime. Cheers!