Friday, October 26, 2007

No pun intended

I love multilingual puns. But was a bit zapped to have unintentionally formulated a multilingual pun myself in the most inappropriate of circumstances. I was talking to my grandmother the other day and instead of the usual greeting I decided to be more adventurous, starting with a "Hi grandmom". She took her time but then politely asked me why I was going "Hay Hay" in the morning (India time). BTW, "Hay" in Hindi stands for an exclamation stemming usually from some undesired event, even being associated with death. She was partly kidding of course, being quite conversant with the English language. But it temporarily made me ponder about my fascination with multilingual puns. Sorry grandmom.


Syerah said...

Hi Anand,

I saw your comment on my blog and that led me to your own blog. Welcome to Canada and I hope with every winter you endure in Canada you're still finding enough joys through the year - to call this place home :)


Syerah (from

Obliv[+]ion said...


Now if you had just known a little Spanish, you could have had so much more fun with, 'Hay'. Hai na? Bolo, bolo? Missed your opportunity.. hai, hai!

Anand S said...

Thanks Syerah. Your profile is not public, so it is a bit difficult to track back to your blog and leave a note. But I shall make do with this space :) I thank you again, but have been in Canada for almost 6 yrs now. The place is really as comfy as my home, the joys are getting into place, whether they bubble throughout the year or not, as far-fetched an expectation it may seem, remains to be seen. But I am certainly hopeful.

Anand S said...

Oblivion, it certainly remains a missed opp. I shall certainly attempt to spruce up my Spanish and not let such scintillating moments pass by so easily in the future. My attempt would certainly be helped by alert and discerning readers like you. So please drop by more :)